Murchison falls national park is perhaps the largest park in Uganda which is named after the Murchison falls where the mighty river Nile bangs through a narrow gorge flowing down to be converted into a placid river whose banks are thronged with hippos, water bucks, crocodiles, and buffaloes. The flora and Fauna at Murchison is characterized by savannah, riverine forest and wood land. Wildlife at Murchison falls national park includes, elephants, lions, leopard, giraffes, buffaloes, hartebeests, oribis, Uganda kobs, chimpanzees, and many bird species including the rare shoebill. More on Murchison Falls National Park


Murchison falls national park can be accessed by road, air, and a ferry is available at paraa.

By road, from Kampala through masindi via kichumbanyobo gate to paraa takes 4 ½ hours on murram roads.

Visitors who travel by road are advised to use four wheel drive vehicles because the road is not reliable.

By air, charter services are available to all weather conditions at pakuba about 19 kilometers North West of paraa and bugungu 13 kilometers from paraa.

The ferry at paraa operates on scheduled time between the southern and northern bank of the river.

Tourist activities that can be conducted at Murchison falls national park include;

Birding in Murchison Falls

Both the game drives and the launch trips offer an opportunity for one to come across distinct birdlife, including savannah forest birds, water birds and Albertine Rift endemics. The park’s main birding attraction is the Shoebill, best sighted in the dry season from January-March.


Cultural Encounters in Murchison Falls

Energetic dancers from Mubako perform around lodge campfires, making for a magical African experience at dusk. Boomu Women’s Group offers accommodation, a craft shop and village tours, revealing the realities of life in this rural community.

Game Drives in Murchison Falls

A game drive around the Buligi game tracks on the northern bank with a trained ranger guide is a fantastic way to see and photograph the wide range of animals in the Nile Valley. Your guide will have a good idea where the lions are hiding, and you may even spot a leopard at dusk!


Hiking and Nature Walks in Murchison Falls

The vast landscapes and varied scenery of Murchison Falls National Park and the surrounding Conservation Area can be explored on foot. Trails through Kaniyo Pabidi and Rabongo Forests provide sightings of many primates and birds, while around the Nile Delta, 2-4 hour guided swamp walks offer possible Shoebill sightings.


Launch Trips in Murchison Falls

The launch trip upstream from Paraa presents an astonishing display of wildlife and culminates with the memorable frontal view of the fall. Recommended for birders is a morning cruise downstream to the Nile-Lake Albert Delta. Alternatively, a tranquil sundowner cruise offers the classic view of an equatorial sunset reflected on the river.


Sport Fishing in Murchison Falls

The banks of the Nile below Murchison Falls provide exciting challenges to anglers. Living within strong currents and highly oxygenated water is the Nile perch. There is the chance to land a massive catch – the record is 108kg!

Game drives

They are best started at 7 in the morning and 6 in the evening, are enjoyable because they expose visitors to the flora and fauna which would not be easily discovered without one going for game drives.

There is plenty of game drive at Buligi, Albert and queen’s tracks north of the river Nile.

At Nyamusika cliffs visitors can picnic, enjoy the view and watch elephants and other game on the grassy hillsides.

Game drives take four hours, and there should be a trained guide to take the visitors for the game drive to explain to them the different and new things and places the visitors will come across and to direct the driver, if at all the guide is not the one driving.

Top of the falls

This is an interesting part of Murchison falls national park. Trails around the top of the falls go right up to the water’s edge. This gives visitors the opportunity to hike up to the top of the falls from the boat landing and to get close to the narrow gorge through which the river explodes into the falls. On top of the falls, there are campsites, picnic sites, and walking safaris are available here. Most tourists’ enjoy on top of the falls such that they can’t leave Murchison falls National Park without trailing.

Chimpanzee tracking

This is the most famous activity carried on at kaniyo pabidi.Kaniyo pabidi is an undisturbed area of natural forest within Budongo forest reserve, where you can walk beneath mature mahogany and iron wood trees.